Alerting and Notification

Secapp Alerting and Notification functions consist of ready-made message templates, alerting and sharing of situational awareness. It’s an effective tool for preparing, reacting and communicating quickly in both everyday and unexpected situations. You can use Secapp both on mobile devices and browser. 

Alert and inform quickly during disruptions and exceptional situations

Secapp’s alerting and informing functions consist of ready-made message templates, alerting and sharing of situational awareness. It’s an effective tool for reacting and communicating quickly in both everyday and unexpected situations. You can use Secapp both on mobile devices and browser. 

Adapts to your requirements

Create ready-made message templates for alerting that correspond to your processes. Integrate with other systems in use.

Alert and dispatch
90 % faster

Communicate quickly and reliably during disruptions and exceptional situations. Secapp helps you alert and dispatch people up to 90 % faster.

Reduces human errors

There’s often a rush and extra stress in exceptional situations. Message templates carefully planned in advance significantly reduce additional worries.


They also rely on Secapp

Over 800 organizations use Secapp to prepare for disruptions and exceptional situations.

SSAB Raahe factory fire brigade recommends Secapp to anyone looking for a similar solution.

We only need one system that we use in alerting situations and for communication.

Ville Okkonen, Factory Fire Chief, SSAAB Raahe factory fire brigade


Act in seconds

  • Save time. When the recipients have been selected in advance, no extra time is spent searching for people’s contact information. The message or alert can be sent to multiple people at once in just a few seconds. 

  • Fewer errors. Well planned is half done. When, for example, checklists for daily routines are attached to message templates, everything gets done carefully and there’s no need to count solely on someone’s memory. 

  • Reliability. When the contact information is in order in Secapp, a message to, e.g., the safety organization, always reaches its destination, regardless of whether the personnel has changed.

  • Real-time situational awareness. Based on quick responses, you’ll know who has received the messages and you can ask them for additional information or deliver further instructions automatically.

  • Utilize location. Direct disruption and emergency announcements specifically to those geographical areas you need to reach.

Are you ready to improve the safety of your organization?

When there’s a sense of control within the organization, knowing that help is quickly available when needed, it creates a safer feeling for everyone. Show that you care.

Alerting and Notification

What does the Alerting and Notification solution contain?

Secapp Alerting and Notification functions consist of ready-made message templates, alerting and sharing of situational awareness. It’s an effective tool for preparing, reacting and communicating quickly in both everyday and unexpected situations. The message recipient can be an individual, a group, or the entire organization. 

Message templates can be created in advance for different situations and targeted based on, for example, skills, groups, or location. You can attach ready-made instructions or other attachments to the message, and demand immediate response from the recipient if necessary.

Messages can be sent and delivered via multiple channels: mobile application (Android, iOS), browser, SMS, email, desktop, robocalls, TETRA/VIRVE, and Airbus Dabat application.

With Secapp alerts, you can send messages with one press of a button or completely automatically. When necessary, messages can bypass the silent mode settings of devices.

By integrating Secapp with other alerting systems, preparedness can be enhanced and information about exceptional situations can be quickly communicated forward. For example, an automatic message about acknowledging a detected disruption can be sent to different parties, such as instructions or an evacuation order to the entire organization. 

Similarly, integrations with locking systems, for instance, help prepare to prevent a threatening individual from entering. With one press of a button, all entrances can be locked.

You’ll receive acknowledgement details from recipients about receiving the message within seconds. Within Secapp, real-time information can be securely shared between, for example, those involved in an alert or exceptional situation. 

Makes it possible to share photos, videos or other attachments, and communicate with critical stakeholders in a chat or video call.

Show others how to react quickly

Being prepared for disruptions and exceptional situations brings certainty to the organization, and in the event of a real crisis, a fast reaction helps the business to recover quickly. Minimize adverse effects.

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