With Secapp, you can convey important information and warn personnel in emergencies and exceptional situations. The alerts are guaranteed to get people’s attention, as they can bypass silence settings and require immediate acknowledgment. Reach entire personnel and organizations within seconds, whether it’s tens, hundreds, or thousands of people.

You can also handle everyday instant messaging and even automated paging, through the same platform.

Alerting and Notification

Alert and notify quickly in emergencies and everyday.

Smart Communications

 Secure multi-channel conversations in chat discussions and video calls, for groups of all sizes


Easily reach your personnel and fill work shifts

Lone Worker Safety

Secure lone workers with safety buttons and automatic alarms


Secapp OneClick helps you reach important people, groups and experts with just one press of a button.

Smart Connected Alerting

Integrateable alarm automation and escalation tool for organizations

Situation Center

Real time situations view for everyday and emergencies


Connecting organizations for ease of communication and cooperation

Site and Equipment Management

Manage all information, tasks and costs related to sites and equipment centrally in one place.

Secapp Meet

The Secapp audio and video conferencing platform, Meet, enables efficient communication with colleagues and stakeholders.

With Secapp, you can convey important information and warn personnel in emergencies and exceptional situations. The alerts are guaranteed to get people’s attention, as they can bypass silence settings and require immediate acknowledgment. Reach entire personnel and organizations within seconds, whether it’s tens, hundreds, or thousands of people.

You can also handle everyday instant messaging and even automated paging, through the same platform.

Alerting and Notification →

Alert and notify quickly in emergencies and everyday.

Smart Communications

 Secure multi-channel conversations in chat discussions and video calls, for groups of all sizes

Paging →

Easily reach your personnel and fill work shifts

Lone Worker Safety →

Secure lone workers with safety buttons and automatic alarms

OneClick →

Secapp OneClick helps you reach important people, groups and experts with just one press of a button.

Smart Connected Alerting →

Integrateable alarm automation and escalation tool for organizations

Security Operations Center →

Real time situations view for everyday and emergencies

Connect →

Connecting organizations for ease of communication and cooperation

Secapp has many different use cases in various industries. Different features are emphasized in different fields and environments, and they can be implemented according to the needs of your organization.

Together, Secapp forms a versatile package, allowing you to select suitable features for your situation and expand as needed. For example, you can begin by using Secapp as a paging system and later transition to using the service more comprehensively, for example, as a center for creating situational awareness.

Whether it’s a healthcare organization or a manufacturing company, and whether the use case is mass alerts or ensuring work safety, with Secapp, you can trust that your messages are delivered quickly and securely. Through the same service, you can handle both day-to-day instant messaging and emergency alerts – when every second matters.

Secappia käyttäviä toimialoja mm. oppilaitokset, pelastusala, terveydenhuolto