Secapp has the capabilities to integrate both modern and legacy systems

Secapp allows for both inbound and outbound integrations to ensure rapid information flow. The system offers automation for critical functions, such as:

  • authority reporting
  • transfer of alert and documentation data
  • visualizing issues in mapping systems

Integration examples

  • Synchronization and authentication of user data (contacts, groups, competencies): Microsoft Azure AD and Secapp’s own REST-based API

  • Alarm interfaces (including webhooks, SMS and REST-based API) for receiving, automatically analyzing and alerting alarm data from different systems.

    By automating alerts, you save time, reduce human errors, and enhance safety in both everyday and critical situations.

    Examples of systems: building automation, crime and fire alarm systems, personal security buttons, and various monitoring systems and sensors.

  • Physical buttons: for example, the Wireless Paradox REM101 button and MagellanMG6250 base station, USB button for desktop/laptop computers, Bluetooth buttonsv

  • Business Intelligence and big data interfaces to retrieve documented information into the system

  • Two-way SMS and automatic call gateways, e.g. Arena Interactive, Telia Opal, Vonage

  • TETRA SDS / Callout gateway (Tetra Connectivity Server API)

  • Transfer and synchronization of service logs (rsync)

Do you have a certain integration in mind?

Contact our team, and let’s discuss how it could be solved.