
Secapp enhances the paging process and significantly saves people’s working time. It facilitates, for example, finding substitutes for sudden absences or reaching on-call personnel. Sending a work shift alert can be done quickly and easily through the mobile application or browser across multiple different channels.

Save working time significantly

Secapp Paging facilitates, for example, finding substitutes for sudden absences or reaching on-call personnel. The work shift alert can be sent easily through the mobile application or browser. 

Payback time 1 month

No separate costs for phone call chains or text message inquiries. Costs don’t increase as the number of messages grows.

Save working time

Automatic sending of work shift alerts and the communication related to them reduces time-consuming phone call and text message chains.

React faster

Helps react immediately, for example, to absences due to illness, by sending work shifts alerts to available personnel.


Over 100 000 professionals use Secapp

“One of our nurses said that she had never fallen in love with any application, but with Secapp she has.”

Marika Heiskanen, service secretary, wellbeing services county of Southern Savonia, Eloisa


Improve the employee experience

  • Cost-effective. No additional costs for phone calls or text message inquiries. The number of messages doesn’t affect the costs; they remain constant.

  • Easier workforce management. Target work shift alerts specifically to the employees who are needed or willing to take on additional shifts. The sender of the work shift alert immediately sees when the shift is being filled. You can choose the most suitable worker yourself or let the system automatically fill the shift. 

  • Reduces burden of workload. Significantly reduces the workload of individuals (supervisors, shift managers) who are responsible for managing and filling work shifts. There can be tens or hundreds of recipients without an increase in workload. 

  • Better employee experience. Send work shift alerts only to those who want additional shifts. This way, the employees are heard and can themselves influence whether they want to take on additional shifts or not.

Do you want to save working time?

Automatic sending of work shift alerts and the communication related to them reduces time-consuming phone call and text message chains. There can be tens or hundreds of recipients without an increase in workload.


What does Paging contain?

Secapp enhances the paging process and significantly saves people’s working time. It facilitates, for example, finding substitutes for sudden absences or reaching on-call personnel. Sending a work shift alert can be done quickly and easily through the mobile application or browser across multiple different channels. The system also offers an integration possibility for automatic contact information management. 

Work shift alerts can be targeted to suitable individuals based on their skills or availability. The message can be sent to a few or hundreds of recipients in seconds without an increase in workload.

In urgent situations, messages can be given high priority, so the recipients’ attention is captured by the audible alert even if their phone is on silent mode. 

Automation handles both the confirmation for the person who got the work shift and responses to those who did not. The alert sender receives responses in real time and also has the opportunity to choose the most suitable person for the shift themselves, for example, based on required skills. 

Calling and text messages:

  • Calling is time-consuming and inefficient: people don’t answer the phone, you can only reach one person at a time, and callbacks continue even when the shift has already been filled.
  • A call from the supervisor might be perceived as anxiety-inducing or even pressuring, which can lead to accepting the work shift even if the employee doesn’t actually want to. The same goes both ways: the supervisor might feel anxious about having to call already stressed employees. Work shift alerts coming through Secapp are perceived as more considerate. It’s easy to respond to a Secapp message genuinely according to one’s feelings.
  • Text messages are expensive, and you don’t get read receipts.

WhatsApp and other commercial applications:

  • Many people don’t want to receive work-related messages on their leisure communication applications.
  • The group might be muted when a demanding need for employees arises – for example, on a Saturday night.
  • Messages cannot be targeted based on skills, and message responses cannot be automated.
  • The services don’t have automatic user management.
  • Problems related to data security and GDPR standards.

Read more Secapp vs. other solutions

Show others how paging can be handled more efficiently

React immediately, for example, to illnesses or sudden absences by sending work shift alerts to available employees – and let automation take care of the rest. 

Explore other Secapp solutions

Alerting and Notification

Secapp’s alerting and mass notification functions consist of ready-made message templates, alerting, and sharing situational awareness.

Smart Communications

Secapp’s instant messaging tools make team work smooth and keeps work communication securely separate from personal communication.

Lone Worker Safety

Secapp Lone Worker Safety helps secure lone working employees in accordance with the requirements of the occupational safety act.