Are you ready for the upcoming NIS2 directive?

We have the solution

With Secapp, you gain access to a preparedness, critical communication and situation management center that allows you to implement the contents of your preparedness, readiness and safety plans, better prepare for the ever-increasing disruptions and exceptional situations, and fulfill the requirements of the NIS2 directive.

NIS2 – what is it about?

International cyber threats have become more prevalent in the current global situation, manifesting as, for example, denial-of-service attacks or phishing attempts. The importance of continuity management is emphasized in these situations. From a legislative perspective, the EU-wide NIS2 Directive on cybersecurity addresses the matter. Its provisions are set to come into effect in the EU member states in October 2024. The directive is set to improve the high level of security, resilience, and readiness to react throughout the European union. Compared to the NIS1 directive, NIS2 covers a broader range of sectors and companies and it requires companies to take more extensive measures than before.

So who are affected? The NIS 2 directive will apply to companies operating in the following sectors:

  • Energy supply
  • Transport
  • Water supply
  • Banking
  • Financial market infrastructures
  • Healthcare
  • Digital infrastructure
  • Public administration
  • ICT service providers
  • Space operations
  • Postal and courier services
  • Waste management
  • Chemical manufacturing, production and distribution
  • Food production and distribution
  • Digital service providers, manufacturing and research
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What does the directive require from companies?

  • Disruption management
  • Understanding and evaluating the security of the operational chain
  • Ensuring the security of the procurement, development and maintenance of network and information systems 
  • Developing access control
  • Operating principles regarding cryptography and encryption
  • Documented cyber hygiene practices and cyber security training
  • Personnel security measures
  • Processes for reporting information security incidents or damages that significantly impact service provision or users
  • Processes for handling information security incidents
  • Backup procedures
  • Recovery planning
  • Crisis management measures

Take control of the situation with Secapp – ensure operational continuity

The NIS2 directive aims to enhance EU-wide protection from cyber threats, emphasizing the importance of proactive measures. Companies are responsible for managing their own security. Violations lead to sanctions and for large companies, and monitoring will be carried out without warning. 

With Secapp, you can take control of the situation with one comprehensive system and ensure operational continuity. Gain access to a preparedness, critical communication and situation management center that allows you to implement the contents of your preparedness, readiness and safety plans, better prepare for disruptions and exceptional situations, and fulfill the NIS2 directive requirements.

Secapp is a SaaS service for professional use, which enables delay-free two-way communication. Target critical alerts to individuals and teams, communicate securely via chat groups, ensure personnel safety with automatic alerts and location tracking, collect critical data, and establish situational awareness with the security operations center. 

Secapp is used in various sectors to ensure operational continuity and a high level of preparedness, including wellbeing areas, manufacturing, and critical infrastructure.

With Secapp, you can prepare for disruptions and exceptional situations, while also ensuring readiness for the requirements of the NIS2 directive