
Secapp Insights is a knowledge management solution that allows you to see the situation of your operational area or organization in one glance. Insights visually gathers the information from your organization’s Secapp environment in one place, which facilitates reacting and decision making. You can use Insights on both mobile devices and web browsers.

Successful mixed race business woman in office.
Successful mixed race business woman in office.

See the big picture in one glance

Insights visually gathers the information from your organization’s Secapp environment in one place, which facilitates reacting and decision making. You can use Insights on both mobile devices and web browsers.

See the big picture in one glance

In just one glance, you can see the situation of the entire organization or an operational area, and when necessary, you can also examine in more detail what is causing challenges at an individual unit. 

Enhance decision making with data

Insights makes data processing effortless, which facilitates information sharing and further refinement.

Ensure operational continuity

Secapp and Insights have a high usability also when your own infrastructure is facing disruptions, is targeted by a cyber attack, or is otherwise not usable.


They also rely on Secapp

Over 800 organizations use Secapp to prepare for disruptions and exceptional situations.

Read about DNA’s experiences in using Secapp

”Using Secapp as a SaaS-service is a part of everyday preparedness – since the tool is for critical communication, we want it to be as independent as possible from DNA’s own infrastructure. This ensures that if there is a failure in DNA’s own infrastructure, the critical communication will not be disrupted.”

Tomas Lång, Head of Process Development and Authority services, DNA


Know what’s happening in your organization

  • Overview and development. Track open events and disruptions. In map view, you can monitor events by site location. You can also view the KPI metrics of your organization’s safety management, such as processing speed and the number of “close call” notifications.

  • Fast reaction. Instantly understand the situation of your organization or operational area. You can also examine different units in more detail and recognize what is causing challenges, enabling you to allocate resources to the right unit.

  • Data to support investments and decision making. Insights makes data processing effortless, which facilitates information sharing and further refinement. This frees up time and energy for reviewing the data itself and planning development measures.

  • Cooperation with stakeholders. Through Insights, you can share reports and situational awareness with different stakeholders. This facilitates collaborative planning and reacting.

Find out how Insights can simplify your daily life

The implementation of Insights does not require system integrations, heavy processes or renewal of your current systems.


What does Insights contain?

With Insights, you can expand the use of Secapp to data-driven management. Insights visually gathers the information from your organization’s Secapp environment in one place, which facilitates reacting and decision making.

Combined with the alerting functions of Secapp, it’s an unbeatable solution for anticipating, preparing, and reacting to disruptions and exceptional situations. You can use Insights on both mobile devices and web browsers. 

The situational information analysis tool includes three report views which are created according to the customer’s needs. Additional report views can be created as a separate project after the implementation.

Data sources for the reports can include, for example, alerts and the information associated with them, situational information gathered with documentation tools, or anomaly and “close call” notifications made with anonymous forms. The data can also be enriched with information from external sources, such as weather information.

Typically, the report views are divided into three levels: overview, detailed report, and raw data. 

1. Overview. Displays the situation of the whole operational area or organization. Readiness can be monitored, for example, through a traffic light system, where each traffic light represents the readiness of a specific unit. 

2. Unit and operation specific reports. From the overview, you can switch to viewing a more detailed report where you can see, for example, the development of situational information over time as trend graphs and numerical metrics. 

3. Raw data view. In this view, you can browse all collected situational information in tabular format and filter it with the desired metrics. 

Show others how to react to situations

Preparedness for disruptions and exceptional situations brings certainty to the organization and when a real situation arises, a fast reaction helps restore operations quickly. Minimize adverse effects.

Explore other Secapp solutions

Alerting and Notification

Secapp’s preparedness and alerting functions consist of ready-made message templates, alerting, and sharing situational awareness.

Smart Communications

Secapp’s instant messaging makes team work smooth and keeps work communication securely separate from personal communication.

Lone Worker Safety

Secapp Lone Worker Safety helps secure lone working employees in accordance with the requirements of the occupational safety act.